To have a child join their team.
One day though you looked up – 3 boys gone
Many thought you’d just move on.
But through the unknowing years of an empty nest
You still worked hard and gave it your best.
Before deciding the cows would be sold
“please tell us” you were told.
But then off to Turkey we flew
When we’d return, we gave not a clue.
You persevered through 2009 –
The job you did was quite fine!
Some farms have a great big crew
But you kept going – with only two!
You visited and as we sat on the Iskele drinking tea
you shared how you started your dairy journey with me.
Dad had said, “I think I’d like to milk the cows.”
“Me, too,” I thought “But exactly when & how?”
Then came a diagnosis of cancer
And we had more of an answer.
So back to the farm we came
But things would not look quite the same.
Plans for a new barn were laid.
And Mom would no longer be a milkmaid.
As the way for a new barn was paved.
Your blessing you readily gave.
Even though things look a bit different now,
We’re glad the new barn is housing your cows.
As we look back over the past 5 years
All the hard work, laughter, fun & tears,
We’re thankful for your support along the way
It helped us make it through those tough days.
Today we’re working side by side on the same team
And together we’ll work towards even more dreams!
Merry Christmas,
Dan & Lynn