It turns out Rita knows each of our cows really, really well… but then again she only knows them like Amazon, Facebook, and your FitBit knows you, by your data.
Dan and his parents have always known each of their cows well; they are able to pick out which one is which just by looking at them (I almost always have look at the ear tag to know!) and they know their individual personalities and quirks. When they were milking the cows, and therefore seeing them, twice a day everyday Dan could usually tell if a cow was feeling sick or if there was another problem based on how much milk she made or if something seemed off with her milk but now, with Rita’s help, he knows even more!
It’s often said, “You can only manage what you can measure”, and while management certainly encompasses more than measuring things, measuring certainly helps. With Rita’s help Dan has many more measurements that allow him to manage & care for our cows much better than before! So how does Rita do it?
First each cow is fitted with their own “FitBit” RFID (radio frequency identification) tag, which if you remember didn’t work when we first started! When each cow comes into the milking box Rita identifies who she is and decides what to do next. Depending on how long it’s been since the last time she’s visited, Rita either starts milking her or kicks her out to come back and try again later (sometimes they just want some cow treat!).
Not only does Rita measure how much milk each cows gives, she also gives each cow an individualized portion of cow treat/feed to eat while she’s milking. When the cow leaves the box Rita can tell how much she ate (based on weight), so if she doesn’t eat enough Rita alerts Dan and he checks up on her in case she’s getting sick (you don’t like eating when you’re sick, right?).
Now Rita gives us all this data & more but it’s still up to Dan to take the time to look, analyze, and act on the information that Rita is giving him to make the best decisions for each cow… does she need to get milked again because Rita missed a teat? does she have a hurt foot or a tummy ache & that’s why she hasn’t come to get milked yet? does she need more to eat in the robot because she’s making so much milk? is today the day to try & get her pregnant again? and on and on…
Dan’s parents have used computer programs to track the health & well-being of their cows for decades and we still track many of those things with Rita and her accompanying software (family history, birth & health records, production timelines, and more). But now we have even more data helping us know with more accuracy how each cow is doing, meaning we can care for each of them even better!
How does information & data help you get your job done better?
P.S… Guess what? We’ve been sharing our dairy life with you for a whole year now! Hope you’ve enjoyed the journey as much as we have. Make sure to stick around because we’re just getting started both in the barn and on the blog!