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New Day Dairy GuestBarn

Many black and white dairy cows in a row eating at a trough

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Other Options at New Day Dairy

Local Ground Beef, Tour Groups, Job Opportunities, Event Rental, and More!

At New Day Dairy GuestBarn, sleeping with the Cows is our specialty, but we offer more than just that!

If you’re local and want to visit the farm, rent the GuestBarn space without the beds, fill your freezer with local ground beef, are looking for a job, or are a farmer looking for bull calves… find what you need below!

Ground Beef and Onion Being Cooked in a Stainless Pan

Local Ground Beef For Sale

Reserve NowCost: $4.70-$5.00/lb for Ground Beef

Fill your freezer with local ground beef direct from our farm! Buy a quarter, half, or a whole cow from us and pick up & pay for the processing at Orly’s, our local meat locker in Clarksville!

You always only pay $4.70-$5.00/lb for ground beef – we take on the risk & tricky math calculations for you.  That way you always know exactly what you’re getting, even though you’re buying direct from the farm!

Kids in a large barn with many black and white dairy cows eating


Reserve NowCost: Varies
  • Guest Tours: All of our guests receive an Intro & Farewell Tour with their stay.
  • Group Tours: From schools and civic groups to fun family outings, we invite our local community to come have new adventures at New Day Dairy GuestBarn! We can accommodate groups up to 40 people! Click HERE for more information.
  • Be A Dairy Farmer Challenge: Our #sleepwiththecow guests and anyone else is invited to take the Challenge. You’ll milk a cow by hand, ride in the tractor, feed baby calves, walk amongst the cows, and more!
People gathered together in a dining and kitchen area eating and drinking

Meeting/Gathering (No Bedrooms) Rental

Reserve NowCost: Varies

Do you have a club or committee that wants a unique space to host their next meeting? What about a unique family gathering? Maybe it’s a Girls Night Out with the cows?

Rent ONLY the common spaces of the GuestBarn, which includes the fully-equipped kitchen, dining area, and the cow gazing loft. We can seat around 20 people although not all at one table. Find out more HERE.

Your rental includes a ½ hour “Window” tour presentation to help answer any questions. If you’d rather see the cows up close, upgrade to a Barn Tour for your group. Cow Gazing is available during your entire rental!

Man with blue shirt holding basket of silage next to large storage containers

Join the Team

While we’re a family farm and do most of the work caring for the cows ourselves, we do have a small team that helps around the farm.

Do you want to join us? Typically we are hiring for part-time Farm Hands, Gardeners, and Housekeepers. These are great jobs for teens, stay-at-home moms, and semi-retired folks, but anyone can apply! See if we’re hiring today!

Man with green shirt holding a rope attached to a baby black and white calf for a kid with a yellow shirt

Farmers Corner

Are you a local farmer looking for bull calves to raise? Do you need a bottle bucket calf for county fair? Send us a message or give us a call!

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